My Morning Routine Will Change Your Life

Hey, girlies! I am just another unrealistic influencer with an insane body, no roots on my head, and I don’t eat carbs ever!

PSYCH. I hope you found that funny…but for real, sometimes, when we scroll on social media, we find ourselves comparing our bodies, mindsets, bank accounts, diets, and personal relationships to people we have never even seen in the flesh. You don’t realize how crazy that is until we accept it, read it, or hear it said out loud. It is very real. There is a fine line between wanting to inspire through the market of influencing and wanting to make money through personal fad dietary routines, unrealistic body standards, and even a false day-to-day routine.

I can assure you that I have only perfected my morning routine through real-life experience through a trial and error method, and to be honest, I don’t always follow it. Of course, I acknowledge when I don’t follow it, and like most people, I feel guilty when I let myself down. Some days I get too tired, I feel sick, or I just had a Spirit Airlines flight at 3 am earlier that morning and it is probably better, for the benefit of humanity, that the bear stays in her den.

I work full time and influencing, writing, and modeling are my side hustles. Why do I do this? I have not evolved my career financially enough yet through influencing to justify quitting my job. In a lot of self-help books, they urge you to take the leap, quit your day job, and fully commit to the life you want to live. I LOVE this mindset, however, it is stupid. I do not have the means to tell you the success rate of this balls-y method, but I can definitely tell you it is not 100 percent. When you are in transformative years of your life, becoming financially stable, dating men or women who you wish to build with, leveling up in your job and personal reputation, the last thing you need is to tank your credit score, make stupid purchases, and not have the means to buy groceries for the week. I speculate that this risky mindset has become so trendy because working a 9 to 5 is a lot of work, people simply don’t want to work that hard anymore in a world of instant gratification.

Let me get off the preacher stand and get to the point. The point of my morning routine is to be as productive as possible, without exhausting myself and set a positive attitude that should last me til the end of the day. This routine is used to lubricate your mind for manifestation, happiness, and creativity. I am most productive in the morning, and just like a 1957 Chevy Bel Air, it takes grinding the gears some and warming her up, but once she’s going, she glides like a dream. She also looks pretty sick doing it too.

The wake-up call- 5:30-6 AM

Every morning I wake up at 6 am. Lately, I have been trying to wake up sooner like around 5:30, but that is just where I am at in the moment. I do this because I hate outside thoughts coming into my mind this early. Generally, I avoid people at all costs when I first open my eyes, unless I am in love with you. To have a pure state of the mind disturbed first thing in the morning is harmful and this is ideal because few people around you are awake at this time. How your mind is affected in the morning will foreshadow the rest of your day. Let your purest thoughts be without the influence of others. The only way to do this is to be in silence. Do not turn on the TV, do not scroll on Twitter, and do not turn on music. Instead, pray, manifest, and talk to yourself. Be with your thoughts and enjoy that personal monologue, much like how you enjoy eavesdropping at your suburban hair salon.

Journal or read 6:15-6:20 AM

Journaling has helped me personally recognize and achieve my goals. Of course, you are not going to reach your goals when you make 50 new ones up every day that you don’t even write down. I have been writing the same three goals of mine in my journal every single day for the past 100 days and I am about to achieve one of them this week. I hit one-hundred thousand followers on Instagram. They are also no small tasks to achieve. Good things take time and nothing worth having comes easy. Doing this in a pure state also sets the motivation for your day and gives you purpose; Purpose gives you more life. This is the journal that I use every day, it is only 5 dollars, and if you cannot spend 5 dollars on yourself then you are not ready to achieve your goals (5 dollar journal). BTW this is not an advertisement, it really is what has worked for me.

Shower and talk to yourself more 6:20-6:55AM

Uh-Oh, people might think you’re insane for talking to yourself…girl shut up. I talk to myself in ways that you would not believe. I would never do this in front of anyone, not even my mom because it is so embarrassing. However, it is a must. Do this when no one is around, while you drive in the car, or like me when you are in the shower. I have my own vlog channel with billions of subscribers, but none of you would know this because that is the false reality that I choose to live in while I start my day. I hype myself up in the mirror about my body, face, and hair. I crack some of the funniest one-liner jokes and convince myself to become the next Whitney Cummings. I clap back at all the people who did me wrong. This is a proven method of self-confidence and internal peace, but it also gets your vocal cords ready for when it is time to talk to employees, colleagues, or customers for the rest of the day. This makes you your own best friend all while completing a medial task, like showering.

Breakfast is the best meal of the day, you can never change my mind 7:15-7:45 AM

I have the fattest crush on breakfast. I look forward to nothing more than fueling my body the right way for the first meal of the day. My favorite breakfasts include eggs and hasbrowns, avocado toast, fruit, suasages, turkey bacon, and the list goes one…With my chaotic schedule, this really is the one meal that I have a day where I can be at peace, unfettered, and relaxed. Other than the bliss that is quietness, breakfast food is elite. Try eating foods with plenty of fat, like bacon. From personal experience, and no expertise in nutrition, I notice that food like eggs, avocado, and bacon tend to “grease” my brain. I think more clearly, have a steady energy release throughout the day, and I avoid the bloating that comes from gluten.

Dress up

I always recommend laying out your clothes the night before, but if you are not accustomed to this practice, then take the time in the morning to locate an outfit that is dynamic for your day, makes you feel confident, and that is comfortable.

I am at my destination by 8:30 every morning, whether it be work, or if a weekend, it is the farmers market, coffee shop, or pilates class.


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